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Process and Data harmonization at neutron and synchrotron facilities for strain/stress analysis


  • LocationOnline
  • Time2 pm (CET)
  • ContributorArnold Päcklar, Sandra Cabeza, Tamas Szabolics

The EASI-STRESS project has harmonized processes for and facilitated easier access to residual stress characterization specifically at Large-scale Research infrastructures (LRIs) involving different steps starting from defining a “common language” to having a common software for analysis. To achieve these goals, first a common framework for diffraction-based residual stress measurements was defined which is based on the adaptation of the standard structure for representing materials characterization data in Europe, called CHADA. The commonalities between the different techniques are highlighted, and the final output of workflows and compiled metadata descriptors for residual stress measurements at LRIs are presented. The next step of the harmonization process was to define terms leading to the formulation of transversal ontologies between diffraction-based residual stress characterization including neutron, synchrotron, and laboratory X-ray methods. Next, we will describe the common data format NXstress which was defined based on the common terminology between the methods used at the different LRIs. This common data format represents the harmonized reduced data structure after raw data reduction at each LRI allowing easy transferability and comparability of diffraction data as well as meta-data. In order to have one access point to data processing and residual stress analysis, we developed a common software package called SOFTware-Analyser for Industrial Stress (SOFT-AIS) which can treat the reduced data in the NXstress format and use it for calculating strain and stress.

Arnold Paecklar

Arnold Päcklar obtained his PhD in materials chemistry from Colorado State University in May 2020. Different projects during this time led him to gain experience not only in processing and analysing neutron and X-ray diffraction data, but also in developing new sample environments for in-situ and operando measurements. He continued working in this field during his first post-doc at the Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matériaux before joining the Institut Laue Langevin in June 2022 in order to work on the EASI-STRESS as a post-doc. His tasks during the EASI-STRESS projects were multifaceted ranging from, for example, neutron measurements, to defining a common data format, and being involved in development of the common software.

Tamás Szabolics

Tamás Szabolics, Software Development Engineer, HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research joined the EASI-STRESS project from the beginning. Has a background of developing and integrating data acquisition and control softwares for various Fusion experiments around Europe and also Japan.
He has started working in this field in 2010. Neutron and synchrotron science is a new field to him and it was the most interesting 3.5 years working n the EASI-STRESS project in his career.


Arnold Päcklar

Research Engineer

Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL)
71, avenue des Martyrs - CS 20156
38042 Grenoble cedex 9 - France

+33 (0)457428691

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Sandra Cabeza

Materials Scientist

Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL)
71, avenue des Martyrs - CS 20156
38042 Grenoble cedex 9 - France

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Tamás Szabolics

Software Development Engineer

KFKI Campus

1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33.

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